Saturday, November 28, 2020

Action is the duty, Reward is Not The Concern.

The whole truth of life is containned in the immortal words of the Gita : Aciton is the duty, reward is not the concern. These are the very words. issunig from the mouth of Lord Krishna Himself . Perhaps if one descends this truth deep into one's heart and acts upon it, one will be able to realize oneself; One will be able to realize the objectives for which one came upon this earth. The message encapsulated in these words is the crux of all scriptures. Act according to thes message and have all the problems of life solved. Those who have acted upon this message have ceased to have worries, sorrows and sufferings.

Our duty is only action. If we take care of action, reward will take care of itself or the lord will take care of the reward. Our gaze should be fixed on the action, not on the reward . Reward is the concern of the Lord. We have no contral over it. It does bnot mean that we should not have nay aims or goals . For action to issue forth from us, consciousness of the aim, for the realzation of which we working, is essential since this consciousness is the motivating factor behind any action . Alllwe have to do is not to feel attached to the reward. Development of a detached view to the reward will lead to our liberation.

It is the attachment or Aasakti to things, which is the rooot cause of all our disapppointments, sorrows and of couse of all our sufferings. Ones this attachment is broken all sorrow, all misery goes, for it is detachment alone which ends the desire. Gautam the Buddha also emphasized the same fact. His four truths are relevant in this context: {1} Existence is suffering, {2} Suffering is born of desire and desire unfulfulled leads to rebirth , {3} when desire ceases, rebirth ceases and this leads tocessation of suffering, {4} Cessaton of desire is attained to puity in deed, word and thought.

The above philosophy has a scientific basis also. Sir Issac Newton perhaps revealed this philosophy in his famous action and reaction theory. Action is always followed by reaction . In other words, we can control reaction only by controlling action . We are independent onlyu in the case of action. If that is so why not keep ourselves confined to action. Reaction is the natural corollary of action or it may be said that it is determined by God or Nature, by whatever name you call this force. Much of our energy is frittered away in our thinking over the fruit of the action. We can save it and canalise it into fruitful channels only by keeping ourselves confined to action. Actoion our domain which we should not go beyond.

सभी खेलों का ज्ञान

राष्ट्रमंडल खेल (कॉमनवेल्थ गेम) → ओलम्पिक खेल के बाद दूसरा सबसे बड़ा खेल महोत्सव - कॉमनवेल्थ गेम ही है । → कॉमनवेल्थ गेम का आयोजन...